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Friday Five Weekly Writing Prompt

Each Friday, Long and Short Reviews hosts a writing prompt. Five words are provided tha tyou need to use in your writing. This Friday’s words are: embryo, future, first, rider, spine.

Addison woke to an abrupt noise with a startle. She still wasn’t sure where she was or how she got there. All she knew was she didn’t like the sense she had about this place. She laid back flat when she heard the door click.

“Do you think this one will work?” she heard one man in blue scrubs say to the woman in blue scrubs, “Let’s hope,” she replied “the future of our world depends on her.”

Addison gulped.

Where was she? This seemed like something she would read in a dystopian novel. How much had happen since she was in the accident?

She heard the woman in the blue scrubs talking about moving her to the procedure room. Addison did not like the sounds of that but figured it was her only way to find out what was really going on. She continued to lay still on the bed.

The door opened and in walked another man. He was tall, with dark hair, and reminded her slightly of her father. She wanted to ask him so many questions but also didn’t want them to know she was fully conscious and stop talking. She figured this man must be the doctor or scientist based on the way he was talking with the two in the blue scrubs.

They began to move her to another location. She figured this was the procedure room based on all the equipment that she could see. They moved her from the bed she was on to a contraption that held her face down but almost standing up. It was very uncomfortable and Addison made a noise of discomfort. The man in the blue scrubs whispered to her, “be quiet”.

The man with the dark hair approached her and removed a long needle looking device from the table beside him. At this, Addison began to squirm a little and protest; but they only tightened the restraints on her. Once she was secured, he took the long needle and stuck it in her back, plunging it deep into her spine. A muffled scream escaped her, and she fainted from the pain.

She awoke again, back in the first room, not knowing how much time had passed. She wasn’t restrained this time so she got up to walk to see if she could find a way out of the room. It hurt to move and she could feel increase pressure in the area the needle was inserted in her back. What the hell was going on here?

Her door clicked and she jumped, it opened and the man in the blue scrubs walked in quickly. “Don’t panic,” he said to her; “I am Tomas, and I am actually her to try to save you.” “Great,” she scoffed, “a little late for that don’t you think.” He looked at her sorrowful and replied, “I was hoping to get you out of her before that happened but wasn’t able to get free till now. I apologize you had to go through that.” Addison sighed, “what now?”

He explained his plan to her for escape and they put things into motion. She got back in the bed and Tomas wheeled her out into the hall. If anyone asked he was going to blame the complications from the procedure, taking her to sick bay for review. They hurried down the hall. As the rounded the third corner they came upon an area that looked like cocoons. Addison sat up to get a better look. She was horrified at what she saw. All of these little cocoon type pods had embryos in them and were growing into…people…but they weren’t quite human. They almost looked like they were mixed with some other species.

“What is this?” she said to Tomas. “I…I don’t know,” he responded just as horrified as she was. “I guess when they take the fluid, they are growing babies,” he continued. “We have to end this,” she said quietly. Tomas agreed.

Addison hopped out of the bed and the two of them opened the door to the cocoons. Addison searched until she found what looked to be the main controls for all the tubes feeding into each one. She started flipping switches. When she did alarms went off. “Let’s go!” Tomas yelled.

As they ran down the hall, Tomas says to Addison, “I know where there are motorcycles, I hope you’re a good rider.”

To see what others had to write using those words as a prompt, click here. To see a list of upcoming words, click here.

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