2023, Friday Five, Friday Five Writing Prompt Challenge, Writing Prompt

Friday Five Writing Prompt Challenge

Each Friday, Long and Short Reviews hosts a writing prompt challenge. Five words are provided to use in the writing. The words for today’s prompt are slam, moral, summit, calm, eliminate.

You can see the list of words for the rest of the year here. To see other’s writings of this weeks prompts click here.

Julian was a climber. A very skilled one. But there was one summit he had not yet reached. Mount Everest.

Julian had tried for years, and was finally ready to attempt the climb. He was warned that day to not climb as winds were supposed to pick up later in the day. About two hours into the climb, the wind began to slam against him, making it difficult to maintain his footing. Determined, Julian pushed on.

The higher he went with the winds, the more his moral began to wane, he even considered turning back. He knew he couldn’t give up, he’d trained for this; and he had climbed in winds before. He took a deep breath and carried on.

Finally he reached the first stopping point. A sense of calm washed over him. But the joy was short-lived as he realized with these winds, he could not finish the climb. He decided to take a short break and then start the decent.

As he started back down, he noticed another climber struggling with the wind as well. Julian knew he had to help. He used his training to eliminate the climber’s fears and helped him safely down the mountain as well.

As they reached the bottom, the other climber thanked Julian for his help. The two made plans to try the climb again once the winds had passed.