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Wednesday Weekly Blog Challenge

Each week Long and Short Reviews hosts the Wednesday Weekly Blog Challenge. Today’s topic for the Wednesday Weekly Blog Challenge is Non-Bookish Hobbies. The definition of a hobby is an activity done regularly in one’s leisure time for pleasure. For a list of upcoming topics, click here.

I have quite a few Non-Bookish Hobbies, but wish I put the bookish ones above some others at times because I love to read and enjoy it – well in my case a lot of times it is listening to a book – but I don’t always make time for it or I make excuses as to why I cannot read/listen. Below is my list of Non-Bookish Hobbies.

Dancing – I love dancing. I danced when I was little. I dance in the middle of the living room for no reason. I miss random dance parties with my kids (who are now to old to do them, or so they say). I don’t quite have the rhythm or groove I use to have because I am older, and stiffer, and have more weight but I still enjoy the movement.

Cooking – I love to cook. I could cook all day. I would love to own a restaurant or a food truck, or something where I could cook all day. I am not the best at some of the particulars of it – like I could use some help with my chopping skills – but I enjoy making things and they usually turn out tasting pretty darn good.

Coloring – I have so many adult coloring books, and a few children’s ones. I have pens, markers, crayons, pencils of all types and colors. Coloring relaxes me and I don’t do it near as much as I would like.

Writing – I have quite a few writings started, and book ideas, that if I would just take the time to finish I think would be good. But I don’t because above all else I have learned that as much as I don’t want to admit it, I am lazy about a lot of things.

Binge watching – I do way too much of this. Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, Amazon Prime, Freevee, Paramount, Stars, HBO, Apple TV. We got rid of cable to cut costs and the amount of time we watched TV and I swear we watch more of it now than we ever did.

TikTok – I can get sucked into TikTok faster than anything. And at times can go down rabbit holes when I am chasing a trend or one shows up about a murder or some mystery and before I know it I have been watching these little clip videos for hours and gotten nothing done.

Blogging – I enjoy writing, and I have so many things sitting in drafts that either needs to be finished or just have the publish button pushed. But I hate my writing at times and refuse to do so or I am afraid of what will be said or thought so I don’t publish it but I have to remember I don’t blog for others, I blog for myself.

Spending time with family/friends – I do a lot of this and it is a welcome thing. I wish sometimes I could do more of it. Especially since some of my family and friends live in a different state, I wish I could spend more time with them.

To read what everyone else had to say about what their Non-Bookish Hobbies are please click here.

3 thoughts on “Wednesday Weekly Blog Challenge”

  1. TikTok is so easy to get sucked into and time flies!! haha. That’s so cool about how much you love cooking!!


  2. I feel the same way about my writing sometimes, too. 🙂

    Colouring is such a relaxing hobby.

    Thanks for stopping by earlier.


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