2023, Favorites, Lists, The Ones about Me, Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge

Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge

The topic for today’s WWBC is My Favorite Food. This is not an easy one for me as I don’t have one specific favorite food, so here is a list of foods I greatly love and would consider as favorites.

Avocado – I don’t know what it is about avocado but I enjoy eating it and the taste of it. I like it in all forms. I, often eat for lunch an avocado and tuna fish.

Sushi – while I have my favorite rolls, I enjoy almost all sushi and have recently realized that I like eel more than I thought I did.

Italian – this is an easy one cause there is so many things in this type of food that is good. Spaghetti and Meatballs, Fettuccini Alfredo, Lasagna, Stuffed Shells. The pasta, the shells, the sauces, the garlic. All good.

Mexican – another one with multiple things in a type of food. Enchiladas are probably my favorite of them all.

Red Velvet – I love red velvet and the chocolate/raspberry taste of it. And I have had traditional red velvet as well and enjoy it.

Cottage Cheese – I know this is a weird one but I enjoy cottage cheese. I like to eat it with black pepper on it which was how my dad use to eat it as well. I prefer Breakstone’s brand but will eat just about any.

Salted Carmel Twix Bars – These are just a feeling of heaven for me.

Each Wednesday, Long and Short Reviews hosts a weekly “blog hop” known as the Wednesday Weekly Blog Challenge (WWBC). I have had a lot of fun participating in these weekly challenges and look forward to the rest of this year and new topics for 2023. To see what others had to say about this weeks WWBC click here.  To see the list of topics for the rest of the year, click on the photo below:

8 thoughts on “Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge”

  1. OK, now I want a salted caramel Twix. I don’t think we have them here.


  2. Thanks for stopping by yesterday. And, I agree with everything you said. I love cottage cheese as well as a side for anything. Will have to try it with black pepper. If you are a fan of black pepper, take a captains wafer, spread it with butter, and sprinkle black pepper on it. You can thank me later.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Every other time we get groceries I pick up 6 avocados and blend them up with Sadie’s hot salsa. Wife and I eat it up in two days.


  4. I love avocados, too!

    I don’t remember there being a raspberry taste to red velvet cake, but it’s been a long time since I had it. I’ll have to try it again sometime and see if I notice it.


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