2022, Favorites, Hate Me If You Like, Links to Other Blogs, My Thoughts, NaBloPoMo, The Ones about Me, Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge, WWBC

Wednesday Weekly Blog Challenge

Each Wednesday, Long and Short Reviews hosts a weekly “blog hop” known as the Wednesday Weekly Blog Challenge (WWBC). I have had a lot of fun participating in these weekly challenges and look forward to the rest of this year and new topics for 2023. To see what others had to say about this weeks WWBC click here. To see the list of topics for the rest of the year, click on the photo below:

Today’s topic for the Wednesday Weekly Blog Challenge is favorite social media platform and why. Had this topic come up a few years ago, I would immediately have said Facebook. Despite it’s flaws, it was a way to keep in touch with people I wouldn’t necessarily have a way to keep in touch with without the platform.

But in current day, November 2022, I would have to say my favorite social media platform would be TikTok. Which I know to some might sound stupid but I find it entertaining and enjoy occasionally making a video of my own – and wish sometimes I had the time and smarts to make more of them, some people have really turned being a content creator on TikTok into a full time job and get paid for it.

My feed is wide varieties, too. I have everything from Christian content, to silly animal content, to what is known as MomTok, to BookTok…it is all over the place but I love it.

I wish I remembered more often than not that I have an Instagram account as well. I understand why some people prefer it as their platform and why some like it better than Facebook. I just always forget it is there and on a random occasion check my profile and feel the need to apologize to people for basically ignoring them.

Now if you want to know one I don’t like it would be Twitter. I use to love Twitter, and made quite a few connections through Twitter until I realized that Twitter is the bully of social media. Twitter is were people go to be mean and hateful. Twitter is where you tell the world to go eff itself over a topic in 280 characters or less – usually less.

6 thoughts on “Wednesday Weekly Blog Challenge”

  1. What is one of your favourite TikTok videos? I don’t know a lot about that platform.


    1. Oh there are tons and I have done some of my own. I’ll have to do a post with links to some of the ones I love.


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